
NRMA Safer Homes
2016 Big Data / ElasticSearch / Google Maps
Big Data visualisation of insurance risk across Australia

ACRF The One
2015 WebGL / Shaders / WebRTC / Canvas / Face Detection / Three.js
Custom WebGL shaders and webcam-based facial recognition

Falls Festival Website
2014 HTML / CSS / Javascript / Canvas
Canvas animation and server management.

Native Digital Website
2014 HTML / CSS / Javascript / Rails
Custom in-house website build with a specialised blog CMS.

Cider Hunt Game
2013 HTML / CSS / Javascript / Websockets / SSE
Interactive game spanning the virtual globe with real time user interaction.

Westinghouse Appliances
2009 HTML / CSS / Javascript
Core products showcase, Westinghouse domestic appliances. An academic exercise.

Sydney Ferries Kiosk
2009 Flash
Ticket purchasing kiosk, Sydney Ferries. Designed for touchscreen. Interface built on flash with XML data store. An academic exercise.

Monster 3D
2009 3D CG
Short 3D animation sequence. Character and animation created in Blender. Textured in Photoshop.

Trafalgar Street Panorama
2008 Photography
Photographic work depicting the view from the northern end of
Annandale's Trafalgar Street.

Chunky Chunks
2008 Print / Packaging / Illustrator
Packaging for a fictional breakfast cereal “Fruity Explosions Chunky Chunks“. Geometric boxes in tin. Vector artwork.

Time Machine
2006 After Effects
Short intro-sequence for a presentation regarding the construction of a clock.